Thursday, August 03, 2006

Today at 12, I am leaving to go to New York to celebrate Kaitlins 21st birthday. It should be a good time minus the fact that she doesn't have air conditioning in her apt, but hey! I'm used to it in 410. I have never been to NYC without a specific agenda aka broadway production or school trip, so I'm looking forward to taking advantage of the city.

I'm a bit concerned with travel. I am going up with Steve but we are "meeting on the train" which means that he is getting on at suburban and I'm getting on at 30th and were going to coordinate it so that we get on the same exact train. Oh brother! Should be interesting. If everything goes according to planned, I will be saftely on a train with Steve at 1:01pm, if not I'm going to have quality time with my thoughts in Trenton, I guess thats why they invented Ipod's.

Anyway, wish me luck that I come home safe and sound and don't get lost in New York.

current music: hospital bed - cold war kids


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