Wednesday, June 14, 2006

so here we are

I don't get why its so hard for me to blog. It's not like I lead a boring life, or maybe I do? I think what it all comes down is that I am to picky about what I feel warrants an entry. Maybe I shouldn't put so much thought into blogging anymore.

And now here I am, still contemplating what I should write in this thing. Should it be this hard? So much for my new found pact to not put so much thought into my blogging. Ps. blog is a really strange word. I wonder what the creator of that word was thinking when they thought to title an online journal as a "blog".

I've just typed about 7 different stories, which I thought you may all find entertaining, but I ended up deleting them. This is awful. Well at least you get something good out of these entries and thats a good song suggestion.

<3> Dana

current music - blame game - atmosphere


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