Thursday, June 08, 2006

They Reminisce Over You.

This time last year, depending on if I was scheduled to work camp or not, I was waking up at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, 3 o'clock movie time, 5 o'clock dinner time, 10 oclock hangtime with friends (which usually consisted of me driving 20 minutes to Gibsons house to sit and watch another movie in the basement). 3 o'clock bedtime. wake up repeat.

If I were still at Cabrini things would be exactly the same, I'd be on my last summer vacation and now here I am. I can remember sitting in The Joz's class for Macroeconomics sophomore year and talking to Dan about transfering to Drexel and that's when I (and he) decided to get our acts together and transfer out. Now, here we are, summertime and I'm working on my Co-op, I haven't been in classes since March, and I wake up at 7:13 everyday. Definately, a huge change from good 'ol Cabrini and last term at Drexel when I scheduled myself only to have classes after 12.

I'm not going to lie, sometimes I think back to Cabrini and it's a one way ticket to emotown but it's definately for the better. There are things here at Drexel that Cabrini lacked and things that Cabrini has that Drexel lacks, but I'm definately happy with the decision I made to come here.

Onto other news, 311 and the wailers, oh the excitement!!!!

current music: john butler trio - what you want


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