Friday, June 09, 2006

when the going gets tough the tough gets krazzeee

Boys are absoultely impossible to shop for. I had to get Steve two birthday cards cause I couldn't figure out which one to get him and I have been shopping for him for like 3 wks, for this supreme hat and it's just not working out. I think im giving up cause his birthday has already passed and I cannot keep hanging out with him and not giving him anything. So tonight he's getting two cards and im calling it a day with birthday presents.

Onto other things, my string of bad luck continues, a brief recap...I end up in Camden on Saturday followed but a miserable night of meandering around campus looking for something to do with Amanda, then I burn the brownies for the kickball tournament and now I just lost my ebay bid on a new Northface backpack, that I wanted to get before I start my nightclass (which I have no idea when that starts, I think in 2 wks or so). What next? Helllllllo lowered expectations!

Eh, tonight should be decent, I get to whip out my highschool uniform for the themed party tonight. Funny how I hated wearing that in highschool and now I welcome the change to wear it cause it saves so much time on trying to figure out what to wear.

current music: Jam Rock - Damien Marley


Blogger Alexa said...

Hi Dana
I wish I had a uniform in high school...I hate picking out what to wear too.
hope your party was fun

7:33 PM


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