Friday, July 14, 2006

i had to say it was a good day

Ps. Today marks my 3/4's birthday in that in 3 months I will be 22. And thats old.

Last night was fun, we had the ice cream social for the orientation kids. It was pretty cool to meet some of the kids there. The incoming freshman class not only seem cool but their sense of fashion is remarkable. I peaced out of the ice cream social at 11 to go to the 700 club with Steve because everyone else bailed on us as usual. It was a cool scene it felt like we were in some indie kid's house. They had couches and a kitchen area which was neat.

On the way home we asked the cab driver to go under the spring garden bridge. Steve broke his sidekick at the bar so I had to deal with that all night. Its quite unfortunate because I'm pretty sure that our friendship is on the rocks now, now that text messaging will be eliminated out of our daily routine. He dropped it and it busted and so we had to try to fix it by throwing it at the wall, which at the time seemed like a good idea but in all reality we ended up putting a huge hole in my wall, which convienantly peeks straight through to our bathroom. We learned our lesson.

The other night we decided to take advantage of Amandas differentlyableness. The boys sat me and Amanada on the fun wheels and pushed us around and we were popping wheelies. Scary but it was nice to be pushed around even though we almost died multiple times.

Wow, this is a long entry...don't wanna bore you. Enjoy your weekend!

current music - penelope - pinback.


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