Friday, June 23, 2006

everybodys working for the weekend

1 hour and 48 minutes until nap time! Then its off to the opening of the new sneaker store in illadelph, WTHN ( I'm pretty excited, if there is one thing that I enjoy it's buying extremely overpriced sneakers. One good thing about this trip is that it's all men's shoes which means I won't be putting another dent in my banking account.

Lots of things to look forward to this upcoming week, Atlantic City for the first time since I've been 21 and then shore time with the Cabrini kids for the following week for the 4th.

And probably one of the most exciting things is....we finally decided to turn the air conditionar on in the house. Welcome to 2006! Sleeping last night was finally comfortable. I also decorated the room, I put all my stuff on top of all the other kids stuff, so now its more girley...and now the things on the walls don't stare at me, which is a plus.

okay.....people are calling my name. im done.

current music: rodeo clowns - and special sauce feat. jack johnson


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