Tuesday, June 27, 2006

So the other day I stroll into 410 and I see my guy roommates all in their bathing suits and a large blown up swimming pool in the middle of the living room. Apparently they thought it would be a great idea to go swimming at 1 oclock in the morning. So the boys are filling up pots and pans with water from the downstairs bathroom and the kitchen sink and I'm standing there laughing. (pictures will come later once I find my adaptor).

I feel like I have been a lot more productive since I've moved in there. Not to mention the fact that it makes hanging out with them a lot more easier now that were all in the same place.


current music: blinded by the lights - the streets

Friday, June 23, 2006

everybodys working for the weekend

1 hour and 48 minutes until nap time! Then its off to the opening of the new sneaker store in illadelph, WTHN (http://www.hypebeast.com/2006/06/16/wthn-philadelphia/). I'm pretty excited, if there is one thing that I enjoy it's buying extremely overpriced sneakers. One good thing about this trip is that it's all men's shoes which means I won't be putting another dent in my banking account.

Lots of things to look forward to this upcoming week, Atlantic City for the first time since I've been 21 and then shore time with the Cabrini kids for the following week for the 4th.

And probably one of the most exciting things is....we finally decided to turn the air conditionar on in the house. Welcome to 2006! Sleeping last night was finally comfortable. I also decorated the room, I put all my stuff on top of all the other kids stuff, so now its more girley...and now the things on the walls don't stare at me, which is a plus.

okay.....people are calling my name. im done.

current music: rodeo clowns - g.love and special sauce feat. jack johnson

Saturday, June 17, 2006

the view from the afternoon

I am notorious for having expeirences where random people feel the need to open up to me about their personal lives. So today was the big move out/move in...and i needed to go to bed bath and beyond for some odds and ends. So I'm standing in the asile where they have all their body soap and stuff, and this women comes up to me with quite possibly the largest bag of bath salts I have ever seen in my entire life and goes " what bath salts do you recommend"?. Me, being a typical shower person, recommended the one's that smelled the best. Thinking that the conversation was over she proceeds with "I am trying to have a romantic evening with my husband, we really need this, we're always so busy and we usually like to pick a special day out of the year where we lay down rose petals......". For those of you who don't know me, I am an extremely awkward person sometimes so I'm standing in this asile trapped in by our carts listening to this lady talking about her romantic evenings freaking out. Oh dear, awkward town, why does this always happen a.) to me b.) when nobody is around.

Here I am, home for fathers day, really wanting to get back to 410 to unpack all my stuff and decorate my new room. Only one good thing that comes out from being home is that I already catched up on entourage (hahah it's only one episode deep) and I'm catching up with all the Sopranno's I missed. I got my Dad the most amazing fathers day card, I'm real proud of that because I can't get him one of those sappy jaunts cause he doesn't read them, so I'm real amped about that.

current music: late at night - buffalo tom

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

so here we are

I don't get why its so hard for me to blog. It's not like I lead a boring life, or maybe I do? I think what it all comes down is that I am to picky about what I feel warrants an entry. Maybe I shouldn't put so much thought into blogging anymore.

And now here I am, still contemplating what I should write in this thing. Should it be this hard? So much for my new found pact to not put so much thought into my blogging. Ps. blog is a really strange word. I wonder what the creator of that word was thinking when they thought to title an online journal as a "blog".

I've just typed about 7 different stories, which I thought you may all find entertaining, but I ended up deleting them. This is awful. Well at least you get something good out of these entries and thats a good song suggestion.

<3> Dana

current music - blame game - atmosphere

Friday, June 09, 2006

when the going gets tough the tough gets krazzeee

Boys are absoultely impossible to shop for. I had to get Steve two birthday cards cause I couldn't figure out which one to get him and I have been shopping for him for like 3 wks, for this supreme hat and it's just not working out. I think im giving up cause his birthday has already passed and I cannot keep hanging out with him and not giving him anything. So tonight he's getting two cards and im calling it a day with birthday presents.

Onto other things, my string of bad luck continues, a brief recap...I end up in Camden on Saturday followed but a miserable night of meandering around campus looking for something to do with Amanda, then I burn the brownies for the kickball tournament and now I just lost my ebay bid on a new Northface backpack, that I wanted to get before I start my nightclass (which I have no idea when that starts, I think in 2 wks or so). What next? Helllllllo lowered expectations!

Eh, tonight should be decent, I get to whip out my highschool uniform for the themed party tonight. Funny how I hated wearing that in highschool and now I welcome the change to wear it cause it saves so much time on trying to figure out what to wear.

current music: Jam Rock - Damien Marley

this is the first song for your mix tape

This is pretty exciting but for the last 3 wks I have been trying to figure out what the title and artist are of these 2 songs that are on these mix tapes that somebody made for me but failed to put the track listing on. It just so happens that they are both by the same band, Cold War Kids and they are called "hang me up to dry" and "hospital beds". This is the best luck I've had all week. Now I have something to get ready to tonight and something to put on mix tapes for the kids that are leaving.

current music: pachuca sunrise - minus the bear

Thursday, June 08, 2006

They Reminisce Over You.

This time last year, depending on if I was scheduled to work camp or not, I was waking up at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, 3 o'clock movie time, 5 o'clock dinner time, 10 oclock hangtime with friends (which usually consisted of me driving 20 minutes to Gibsons house to sit and watch another movie in the basement). 3 o'clock bedtime. wake up repeat.

If I were still at Cabrini things would be exactly the same, I'd be on my last summer vacation and now here I am. I can remember sitting in The Joz's class for Macroeconomics sophomore year and talking to Dan about transfering to Drexel and that's when I (and he) decided to get our acts together and transfer out. Now, here we are, summertime and I'm working on my Co-op, I haven't been in classes since March, and I wake up at 7:13 everyday. Definately, a huge change from good 'ol Cabrini and last term at Drexel when I scheduled myself only to have classes after 12.

I'm not going to lie, sometimes I think back to Cabrini and it's a one way ticket to emotown but it's definately for the better. There are things here at Drexel that Cabrini lacked and things that Cabrini has that Drexel lacks, but I'm definately happy with the decision I made to come here.

Onto other news, 311 and the wailers, oh the excitement!!!!

current music: john butler trio - what you want

the suggestion box

I hate the feeling of having to be so many places at once. Friday Steve's having a party and I should probably go to that considering I'm moving in sometime within the next week but on the other hand I really would like to hang out with this other group of people cause I know I probably won't be seeing them for awhile because of the end of school. Saturday is another situ, there is a going away party for Marilys and !!! (chk chik chick) is at Transit. Decisions!

current music: ladyflash - the go! team

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

let's commence

So, yeah...I have to be out of my apt by the 17th. I'm moving in with my friend Steve and his 4 other roommates. 4 boys and 1 other girl besides myself. This should make for an interesting time. Whatever, it's easier than commuting back and forth between home and Co-Op.

current music: bloc party - positive tension