Tuesday, July 10, 2007

i have been having technical difficulties with my blog lately, which explains the lack of blog post.

nothing really exciting has been happening lately.

last friday, i went on a date, which was more of an adventure around old city. we came upon some really neat things. one of which was this nation wide campaign, called you are beatuiful where they post "you are beautiful" in various places around the country. philadelphia's recent installment is on 2nd and spring garden. if you wanna check out what it looks like visit this page http://www.uwishunu.com/2007/06/07/philly-you-are-beautiful/

in addition, we tired this really cool ice cream place called franklin fountain. its like real old fashion ice cream and the people who work there really play the part which is kinda cool.

WTWB's was Friday night, its this huge dance party from 12am-4am, which is part of first fridays and a lot of fun.

anyway....this weekend i am going to visit my long lost friend and fellow blog buddy and DWC'er, Amanda in Jersey. Im super stoked for BBQ and swimming.

well until later.
- D


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