Thursday, August 10, 2006


when i got home from new york on sunday i put my key in the door and i hear a very small bark, i assumed that it was someone next door's dog, until i opened the door and this little dog was running towards the door. nobody was in the house and the dog was tied up to one of our couches. perplexed, i ran upstairs and napped for 4 hours. i walked back downstairs and the dog, which i later found out was franks and his name was happy, chilled out with me while we watched an episode of next. so while i was babysitting, this unknown dog, frank was getting a hair cut. He came back with a huge cut in his ear. apparently his hairdresser had some sort of malfunction with his clipper and clipped his ear. this probably wouldn't have been a situation if he attended drexels hair house.

last night was dan's birthday, i didn't really wanna go, only because i was tired, but i went out because he was the only one to go out for my 21st cause im older than everyone else. me kyle frank and tom all went was pretty cool. we had fun.


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