Sunday, August 27, 2006

so long sweet summer

im sure after reading most of my have realized that 410 is always an adventure. sadly my time here is dwindling down. today steve d. moved back in which means there are two of us in my room...and 7 of us in the house for a week. As if living with 4 boys was hard enough, now there are 5...and things are spiraling out of control. like i've always said to all the visitors of 410 "if its a surprise to you, its a surprise to me as well"....this house always has something going on.

for the first time since i've been here, the downstairs is actually clean..however travel 12 steps upward and we have a broken firealarm displayed in the hallway as well as a broken vaccum, dresser drawers all that were used to destroy one of our "unoffical roommates".

anyways...friday is move out...i feel like 410 is one of those expirences that will stand out more than others. i was talking to my parents one night about memories. its weird what they can remember and what i can remember and the differences between the two. like my parents can remember what movie they saw and who the saw it with....i, on the other hand, can remember what song was playing on the way to a doctors visit.

currently watching: the big lewbowski


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