Thursday, August 31, 2006

our fits love and last love is self-love

5 good things I did today:

1.) gave chris d the rest of my breadsticks
2.) played vans by the pack for chris t
3.) helped erik set up cod
4.) was quiet coming down the steps so I wouldn't wake Steve up.....however he already left for school.
5.) got Amanda a coffee from 7-eleven.

current music: vans by the pack

Sunday, August 27, 2006

so long sweet summer

im sure after reading most of my have realized that 410 is always an adventure. sadly my time here is dwindling down. today steve d. moved back in which means there are two of us in my room...and 7 of us in the house for a week. As if living with 4 boys was hard enough, now there are 5...and things are spiraling out of control. like i've always said to all the visitors of 410 "if its a surprise to you, its a surprise to me as well"....this house always has something going on.

for the first time since i've been here, the downstairs is actually clean..however travel 12 steps upward and we have a broken firealarm displayed in the hallway as well as a broken vaccum, dresser drawers all that were used to destroy one of our "unoffical roommates".

anyways...friday is move out...i feel like 410 is one of those expirences that will stand out more than others. i was talking to my parents one night about memories. its weird what they can remember and what i can remember and the differences between the two. like my parents can remember what movie they saw and who the saw it with....i, on the other hand, can remember what song was playing on the way to a doctors visit.

currently watching: the big lewbowski

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


i feel super stressed out lately. i think its because there is a lot of uncertainty right now and i never get a break really. last week was really crazy. tuesday was the 311 concert, wednesday i signed my lease (yay i'm no longer homeless), thursday was the phillies game and 700 club, friday was tom petty and saturday and sunday i worked at the healthplex. i feel like i don't have a moment to breathe. im looking forward to my week off for shore time with my parents, but i know that even then im going to be worrying about work, moving in and then classes. i don't even time to transition from co-op to classes. its a miracle i haven't had an anxiety attack yet, but im still going strong.

speaking of uncertainity....i have no idea when im moving out of 410. steve danielle has yet to inform us of his return and temple starts classes on the 28th (we think?). mostly what im expecting on my end is to come home one day from work and he be in his room. that will be the day in which i have the quickest move out ever.

current music - heartbeats - the knife

Thursday, August 10, 2006


when i got home from new york on sunday i put my key in the door and i hear a very small bark, i assumed that it was someone next door's dog, until i opened the door and this little dog was running towards the door. nobody was in the house and the dog was tied up to one of our couches. perplexed, i ran upstairs and napped for 4 hours. i walked back downstairs and the dog, which i later found out was franks and his name was happy, chilled out with me while we watched an episode of next. so while i was babysitting, this unknown dog, frank was getting a hair cut. He came back with a huge cut in his ear. apparently his hairdresser had some sort of malfunction with his clipper and clipped his ear. this probably wouldn't have been a situation if he attended drexels hair house.

last night was dan's birthday, i didn't really wanna go, only because i was tired, but i went out because he was the only one to go out for my 21st cause im older than everyone else. me kyle frank and tom all went was pretty cool. we had fun.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

into everything

new york was pretty cool. got there and back in one piece for those of you who were worried about me. i did a lot while i was there, more than i thought i would. you could tell me and steve were kinda out of our league once we got there. we met up with kaitlin and meandered to brooklyn where she lives in this huge warehouse with 10 other people. one of which is gavin rossidale's (from the band bush and gwen stefani's husband) former bandmate. after that we settled into our hotel. we were located in the financial district. went to dinner, then out to the bars with her brothers. we went to this one place called mad something, they had arcade games (me and steve had a field day) and graffiti all over the place..then we shuffled to this place called pianos where me and kaitlin met some interesting australians (highlight of the trip) and then we moseyed to this other bar called annex for an 80's dance party with the aussies. that was just day 1. day 2 was shopping in soho for sneakers, we went to a few cool sneaker stores aka BAPE, NIKE etc was heaven for me. Went to the south street seaport for a concer that night to see Hot Chip for free. Awesome!!! Later that night we went to the lower eastside again for bartime. We hit up this one place and then went back to annex for super dance party with a few really cool DJ's...and then pizza galore at like 4:30 in the morning. Saturday, Steve left and I went to ground zero...extremely intense and overwhelming, and way to much for me to handle. The hole is enormous. I don't think words can express the magnitude of being there. Then I went to this place called Roys Pizza which is where Pacino and DeNero eat. Later it was upperwest side flea market time...then that night dinner at La Botteca in Chelsea. Bartime took place for an hour being as though dinner didn't wrap up until 12 and we were tired from the night before....we went to this little bar in the meat packing district..they had the killers and bloc party on rotation which was cool yet slightly annoying. Sleep was a delight that night.

getting around in NY is a lot different than philly, im so used to our 4 trolley/subway stations. At least I expanded my horizions...and made it back without getting lost. im proud, i think thats a big accomplishment on my behalf. i have no cameras to document this event being as though my camera broke at the 2nd to last ice cream social. blehhhhh i gotta take it to the geek squad asap.

bye! bye!

current music: neighborhoods (#3) - the arcade fire

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Today at 12, I am leaving to go to New York to celebrate Kaitlins 21st birthday. It should be a good time minus the fact that she doesn't have air conditioning in her apt, but hey! I'm used to it in 410. I have never been to NYC without a specific agenda aka broadway production or school trip, so I'm looking forward to taking advantage of the city.

I'm a bit concerned with travel. I am going up with Steve but we are "meeting on the train" which means that he is getting on at suburban and I'm getting on at 30th and were going to coordinate it so that we get on the same exact train. Oh brother! Should be interesting. If everything goes according to planned, I will be saftely on a train with Steve at 1:01pm, if not I'm going to have quality time with my thoughts in Trenton, I guess thats why they invented Ipod's.

Anyway, wish me luck that I come home safe and sound and don't get lost in New York.

current music: hospital bed - cold war kids